
Always too many steps behind....

I cannot begin to catch up... We are getting ready for Christmas today and will be wrapping packages etc... I went to charge the camera battery and realized that I hadn't even downloaded our Thanksgiving photos to the computer yet. Imagine that...

So, before I went to take my shower, I had to put some of them together to share and to print for our scrapbook before time slipped any further away and it didn't get done. Such is the life of a single parent of 3 busy little people :-)

Here are our scrapbook pages to record our Thanksgiving this year. It was the first we have been able to spend with our Grandpa in several years, since Evelyn had a difficult time being around the kids. As you can see from the photos, the kid love their 80 yr old grandpa and he loves them! I truly cannot imagine much more to be thankful for than the people in good health and sharing such happiness that day. We had a good family friend join us and enjoyed eating and playing the Wii, but the kids enjoyed playing with grandpa even more than the Wii!! Hard to imagine, but I am so thankful for his good health and the time the Lord is giving us to spend with him

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