
Santa, or Christ's Birthday? The answer is simple!

Today we tried to get out to get some of the necessary shopping done for the week. We bought a toy for Toys for Tots and a couple of things for the kids gift exchanges at school while they looked at things they are hoping Santa will bring. After we did the shopping, and I had them in the car. Andy asked me a question I truly had no answer for and still really don't. Thankfully he let me put of answering him when the phone rang and has not pushed me for an answer since we have come home.

He asked me, "Mommie, Does Santa not know where China is? He never brought me anything of my own when I lived there and now he brings me toys and clothes I do not have to share with everyone. Was I a bad boy in China? He never brought me black rocks either. Where was he?"

I am really feeling that this year it is it is necessary to be telling him the truth about Santa and just having Christmas in our house be about celebrating Christ's birth and sharing his love with those we love, as it really should be. Aubri already knows and was excited to be sharing Santa with them, but she also thinks we should let Santa just visit other homes and our gifts all be gifts of love to each other. Sera will not have a Christmas with a visit from Santa that she will understand, since last year she had no clue why we had presents under the tree, but I think it will be for the best now, especially hearing how Andy felt he must have done something wrong for Santa to forget him. Little children's fascination with Santa and the glee of Christmas morning are all so wonderful, but for my little ones who know Santa was not there for them, I truly am not sure trying to get them to believe in Santa is a good thing. Especially when I have to tell Andy not to tell lies other times!

I think we are going to have to have a very serious talk. My babies will all have to know the truth. I hope it helps them enjoy the season even more, rather than worry about why they had been forgotten by Santa before coming here. They really need to know that their Father in heaven has never forgotten them and what a great gift he has given them, even when they were in China and did not have the presence of their earthly loving family around them.

So, thanks to my very astute and questioning son, we are going to enjoy Christmas as it should be. A true CHRISTmas full of His love and family joy!

2 responses:

Anonymous said...



I think your idea is a great one. It is more meaninful to Andy to know the truth, especially for him to realize this at such a young age. To be honest as a Mom I am tired of the Santa thing (even tho it is suppose to be magical). I like making Christmas about a remembrance of Christ and serving others. Wow, these kiddos are smart!


Unknown said...

Andy's question is insightful and poignant. Joanna hasn't asked a similar question and to be honest, since she was adopted at age 3, I don't know how much she remembers of China. When she looks at the pictures of her life there, she smiles, but can't tell me the names of her friends or any other details. So, I don't think she's put 2 and 2 together as far as Santa's visits go. Sounds like you and your children will have a very meaningful Christmas this year.