
Gummy Bear English Long

This video and song is the hit of our home at the moment! I hear it all the time! Amazingly, it has grown on me some and can make me smile as I watch my kids all bounce around, being gummi bears :-)

School has started for Andy and Aubri and the days have been quiet with them in class. They both have great teachers and have come home happy and excited about school this year! I love hearing this and could not be happier!! Sera will start preschool on the 20th and is so excited to get to be a big girl.

I have to share our backpack story, though. While Sera appears to have adjusted and blended in so seamlessly lately, that I often cannot remember what life was like before she came home, we recently saw that she can clearly still remember what life was like in China. A good friend had given Sera a beautiful backpack and I had purchased Aubri and Andy new backpacks for school. I was honestly thrilled to buy Aubri a Tinkerbell backpack, and let her enjoy being a little girl a while longer. Sera absolutely loved the backpack she was given, but did not wear it often, because it was so big that she fell over while trying to wear it. I didn't think much of this since I figured that the adults would be carrying it for her anyway. She drug it around the house with her filling it with whatever she thought was treasure worthy. Well... when Aubri and Andy's backpacks arrived ( I have to shop online right now) Sera was very taken by them and would take the backpacks to them and tell them to tell me thank you for the pretty backpacks! A few weeks later, I found a Minnie Mouse backpack for her on an even better sale and decided to get it for her, in case it was a bit smaller and she could actually be able to wear it without toppling over. When it arrived, she truly was so ecstatic that she bounced all over the house ALL DAY, while constantly telling me "thank you" for her "Ninni Now" :-) Never had she asked me for a backpack, or complained about falling over wearing hers, but the pure joy of seeing her prance around wearing the smaller backpack truly overwhelmed BOTH of us :-)

Sera doesn't really understand why my leg isn't working, but she has been such a helper! She will find my cane for me and hand it to me without my even asking for it and gives me the best hugs when she knows I am hurting. Aubri and Andy too! It amazes me how much they can really do for themselves and for others.

Andy has had a tough few weeks, however, being able to be an only child while at Grandpa's and is struggling right now with sharing with his sisters again. It seems to have to caused him to backslide a bit, with our trip to Chicago and my being incapacitated. He is so sweet and willing to help me, but WOW, can he ever get upset with his sisters if they even look at a toy he might want to play with later next week..... I so hope that this regression will recoup it self quickly with school starting. I am not loving being the lion tamer right now!

I have been going to my physical terrorism ( therapy) appts. faithfully and have kept the days full. It is amazing how long it takes me to do the simplest of things right now.
I am progressing, one step at a time, however and someday I know I will be glad that I chose to do this. In the mean time, I am just thankful that it is giving me some time to enjoy my kids and to learn to allow them to help me for a change.

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