
Fog anyone? Please come claim some and make it go away!!

We are currently stuck in the Shenyang airport. Every flight is fogged in. We were supposed to arrive at 3pm and receive Sera at 4..... That will probably not happen today. We will see.

The fog here is amazing! We drove through it from SiPng this am and had to take backroads due a road closing. It was quite the thrill ride experience! We saw lots of fields of corn, oxen pulling large carts of corn stalks, every type of two and three and four wheel vehicle imaginable and people everywhere ... especially walking in the street! Our dirver was trying to keep us from being glate and was passing everything in front of us. BUT we are here and now sitting and just killing time :-)

We saw the fostercare centers yesterday. I wanted to post, but our room had no internet access. It was a bit different, but comfortable none the less. The kids in the centers were so beautiful! It was just amazing how they have changed from the days they eneterned the centers and what they look like now. They were chubby cheeked, cuddly and lovable! I fell deeply in love with several and Aubri was taken by a few others. She was so good with them! Don't worry, none of the children who stole our hearts are available for adooption :-) We are so eager to meet Sera now though! We saw many phtos of her there and heard many things about her, Evidently she is a bit independent and wants to try doing everything she sees bigger kids do. She watched them intently and then just does it! She walks with a toddler swagger and has a little tummy shich she sticks out as she walks. I really want to see this in person!!

In any case, enjoy one photo of the many beautiful faces on the children in the Changchun and Siping Centers!! Aubri is holding the adorable Wei Wei and loved avery second of it!! I will try to post more later when I have a faster connection.

Right now we are in a hug crowd of people who are annoyed at the weather..... It really is FOGGY!!! I am going to put the computer away and protect my seat. these people are pushy!

1 responses:

Marjorie said...

I'm waiting on pins and needles to find out how this turned out. I hope you are not stuck in the airport overnight. I can hardly wait for you to get your arms around Sera. I know you are feeling 10000 times more anxious than I am.
